
Happy family with cute shocked child reading book on bed

As disciples of Jesus, we passionately desire to assist parents as they equip their children with the knowledge of who God is and how to have a REAL relationship with Him.

Core values:

  • Parents are, by God’s design, the best equipped to teach their children
  • The Word of God (the Bible) is the absolute source for objective truth
  • Tools used by parents to help grow their children’s understanding must be fitting for their age and cognitive ability.
  • The Holy Spirit must be relied upon for every aspect of spiritual growth
  • Your local church plays an important key role in your child’s development

We are here to help

Those who serve as volunteers at 4TheWord are retired or hold full time jobs, however we are here to help you if your local church staff is unavailable. Click the “GET IN TOUCH” link below to schedule a meeting, or use the contact form to send a message. You may also write us at the address on the bottom of this page.

4TheWord and Social Media

We kindly ask that you do not publish any printed material to social media sites. The materials sent are copyrighted to prevent distortion, or truths taken out of context. We do, however, allow limited copies to be made and distributed with email. These policies are in place not for financial gain, but to protect the ministry.